Welcome to the web page of The Wild Horse Creek Company, (formerly known as the Pienpack Company) owned by Peter Osborne. We have been in business since 1983, and during most of that time were located in Port Jervis, New York. In the summer of 2016, we moved our operations from Easton, Pennsylvania to Red Cloud, Nebraska, and set up our company headquarters here. For our clients back in the East, we continue to commute regularly to work on various projects and commissions.
Our company’s mission is to provide exciting journeys of discovery into our nation’s history. We do that through several venues. Over the last fifteen years, we have been focused on writing institutional histories for clients on state parks, local preserves, and museums on a fee basis. Subjects have included the Five Mile Woods Preserve in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, and the state parks at Washington Crossing along the Delaware River north of Trenton.
For these books and others, we conducted all the required research, wrote, designed, and managed the projects through publication for institutional benefactors. In addition, marketing and fulfillment programs were formulated and implemented. We have also written or compiled histories of important sites, cemeteries, memoirs, commemorative books, and booklets. Our books always reveal fascinating stories and include lots of graphic materials. We love telling these stories because the essence of history is remembering. An important advantage that our firm offers is that we begin with an idea and see the process through to completion when a copy of the book is placed in your hands. We bring the dreams of clients to reality.
Initially, we meet with potential clients, get to know what they are looking for, and then create a proposal. Depending on what the needs are, generally, a 250-350-page book can take a year or more to complete. A standard contract is drawn up that outlines what we will provide, and once started, the client receives reports every two weeks along with drafts of the book. After final approval, the book is sent to the printer. Our commercial printer can print one copy, or one thousand copies, as they use the latest print-on-demand technology which does not require the maintenance of a large expensive inventory and allows for fulfillment by Amazon and other online retailers like Barnes and Noble. It is surprisingly inexpensive, especially when printing low quantities. Books are printed in the United States.
We also offer other journeys of discovery through various presentations and have been providing programming to civic, historical, fraternal, and church groups, seminars, Road Scholar (formerly known as Elder-hostel), and various meetings for more than thirty-five years. In addition, we have designed interpretive exhibits for several regional historical groups. Thank you for visiting our site and if you have any questions or would like further information about our programs, projects or commission work please feel free to contact us. You can also follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/wildhorsecreekcompany. We are always looking for new horizons to explore and seeking new commissions.
Peter Osborne